Celery Progress Bar Demo

A few examples illustrating what you can do with celery-progress.

To understand how this works, you can read this guide. For a complete working code example, check out SaaS Pegasus—a Django starter kit for your next big project.

Default Functionality

A simple progress UI with zero configuration required.

Waiting for progress to start...
Waiting for progress to start...

Custom Progress

Demonstrating how you can modify the way progress is rendered to your liking. In this case, using a line of 😊 emojis.

function customProgress(progressBarElement, progressBarMessageElement, progress) {
    progressBarElement.innerHTML = Array(parseInt(progress.percent) / 2).join("😊");
    progressBarMessageElement.innerHTML = (
      "about " + progress.percent + "% of the way through " + progress.total + ' custom thingies.'
CeleryProgressBar.initProgressBar(taskUrl, {
    onProgress: customProgress
Waiting for progress to start...
Waiting for progress to start...

Custom Success/Error

Overriding what happens on success/failure with your own custom UI.

function customSuccess(progressBarElement, progressBarMessageElement) {
    progressBarElement.innerHTML = (
     '<figure class="image"><img src="/static/images/web/progress-bars/success-kid.2e2340b7a9da.jpg"></figure>'
    progressBarElement.style.backgroundColor = '#fff';
    progressBarMessageElement.innerHTML = 'Success!'
function customError(progressBarElement, progressBarMessageElement) {
    progressBarElement.innerHTML = (
     '<figure class="image"><img src="/static/images/web/progress-bars/fail-stamp.a7cb2c6828f8.jpg"></figure>'
    progressBarElement.style.backgroundColor = '#fff';
    progressBarMessageElement.innerHTML = 'Fail.'
CeleryProgressBar.initProgressBar(taskUrl, {
    onSuccess: customSuccess,
    onError: customError,
Waiting for progress to start...
Waiting for progress to start...

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